Last breath

You do your best to the very end.
You never walk alone.
A team at work is a family at heart.
We are one when we're together.
We went to work healthy, we come home in piece.

The story is about a group of professionals.
Working offshore.
A rough sea, is a place of making a living.
The dpo (dynamic positioning officer) had a rough day that day. Due to a bad weather, the ship he navigated, off route/position. The divers below had seconds to swim back to the chamber. One of them didn't make it. All life lines were cut off. Logically, he died that day.

The team leader never give up.
But he never put up hope.
The DPO did his best to position back the ship.
The leader went back for the losing crew.
He did, presuming that it was a search but not a rescue trip. In the dark deep ocean, he managed to locate his man. He was lying there, and there is a bit of movement. He waved. Then, the wave stopped. They brougt back the man to the safety chamber.
The leader tried his best. He did an emergency CPR. Eventhough he thought the man was long dead due to very low temperature and no oxygen supply for more than half an hour.
Miraculously, he had his first breath after all those silent hour. He survived that day.

Further assessment on his physical, found no abnormality. Everyone was damn worried and overwhelmed.

During the interview. The man was asked, how he felt during the incident.
He felt 'nothing'.

He did not panicked. 
He just passed out.

Apparently, the very low temperature of the sea slowed down his metabolisme. All internal organ was preserved that way. MasyaAllah.

When the team was interviewed.
The leader empasizes that they did the best of what they can do on that day.
Everyone played an important role during that life and death moment.


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