Advice to a year older me

Don't be afraid to take a chance
To choose a path
To engrave your footprint

Be composed. 
Don't jump into your emotion
You are cooler than you think

Always be nice to people
Never let others take advantage of you
If ignored, walk away
You worth more than that
Jangan amik kerja Tuhan

Wake up early
Never procrastinate 
Especially your solah
You may find an extra hours by doing so

Time is relative
It doesn't really exist
Literally it doesn't feel the same 
For every one and each of us
Go ahead
And fine your own time
Never compare
You're your own obstacles 

Cherish moment with families
They matter most
That others

Hopefully now, 
you already find your other half. 
If not, it just not the right time for you
Never be scared
Allah always with you. 
I love me now, and my older me which is YOU! 


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