
Showing posts from 2019

Takdak kuasa

Saat, waktu ketika kita rasa paling sebak. Paling rasa tiada upaya. Saat paling luluh. Saat itu, Allah turunkan pertolongan Dalam pelbagai bentuk Yang tak disangka-sangka. Yang mengangkat naik Segala yang kusut Segala yang rumit Dan menyesakkan. Sesungguhnya kita Memang tiada kuasa Dan tiada upaya Untuk menentu pengakhir rancangan kita. Dulu Kita diajar Usaha,doa dan tawakal. Padahal, Kita perlu mulai semua dengan doa. Usaha sungguh-sungguh Tawakal dan berdoa. Allah maha kuasa Atas setiap sesuatu. Kerana sesuatu tu makhluk. Kita jugak makhluk. Semua  Itu makhluk.


Orang kata Rasaku tumpul. Tidak menunjuk Tidak mengekspresi Orang tak tahu Rasaku simpan jauh Demi menjaga Hati sendiri Tak percaya orang lain Hanya percaya diri Untuk jaga hati Dan jaga diri. Baca aku bukan dari kata Baca aku dari cara dan laku Diam aku ada makna Bising aku bukan menderhaka Am i less human that way?


The movie carries the theme of belonging and appreciation. As human, we live in a pack. A pack of society and we need a sense of belonging, for us to function.  Arthur, did not have the privilege to have any of it. He is awkwardly alone, trying to live in this corrupt filthy world. He dreamt of becoming a stand up comedy. He get laughed at and he being mocked. He failed miserably and he still don't get it and keep on trying. He get a job as a clown and he get fired. He had a mom who he taught she is all he had while others isolated him. Kids mocking him. Adults making fun of him. He get lied once, again and again. He thinks his life is a real joke afterall. One day, life takes turn on him. One after another. He no longer has ears for his continuous concerns. No drugs to suppress his anxiety, Fired, Bullied by upper hand. Betrayed by his own ‘teammate’, By his own mother, Mocked nationally.. He no longer a human. He killed them all. He ...


Kadang -kadang dalam hidup ni  Kita tak rancang Tapi dia jadi Sebab asal kejadian Semua adalah atas perancancangan Tuhan "kita merancang, Tuhan pun merancang, sebaik-baik rancangan adalah rancangan Tuhan" Tak pernah terbayang Aku akan melihat ibadah korban betul-betul di depan mata, seorang diri. takdak orang teman. Amazingly, aku tak rasa asing. Padahal kan, Aku kat negeri orang. Bukan kat negeri Darul Takzim. I should feel awkward, feel isolated, rasa serba tak kena. Sebab aku tau,aku siapa. Dan sepatutnya,aku patut rasa begitu haritu. Tapi,tak. Tuhan titipkan aku peluang, masa, keadaan yang aku rasa paling baik. Parking senang nak dapat,senang nak keluar. Walaupun waktu tu waktu puncak. Lembu kecik molek,tak gemuk tak kurus. Dalam banyak-banyak tu, dia berdua je dengan kawan dia kat kawasan tu. Dia tak melawan, tak lari, tapi dia kedua terakhir. Berkali-kali lalu depan dia,tak jumpa-jumpa. At the end o...

The age of Adaline

Adaline, A sophisticated and elegant young lady.  She seems perfect.  A very pretty, good looking woman.  Ms-know-it-all. She could have the world with that look and charms.  Instead, she works at a library.  She owns a dog.  She lives a quiet and decent life.  She stays away from crowds.  She stays away from LOVE.  LOVE fortunately finds its way.  It will find the right time and the right place to its right owners. LOVE is a heart's business.  Ellis knows her woman well.  He never once force his feeling on Adaline (or that time, she was Jenny).  He follows his gut and take a risky chance. Adaline on the other hand,  Builds a wall and keep running away.  Why bother to take a chance,  For things which have no future?  Adaline,  Forever would be 29. They would not grow old together if they were meant to be a couple.  She is living ...

Life with acne

Have been battling acne throughout my life. Acne starts to be a nightmare, right after my SPM. It starts to attack one side of the face - the right side. Then it starts to spread to the left while the right is recovering. All petua and method had been tried.  Gone to the doctor while in matriculation, been diagnosed with vulgaris type of acne. Been given antibiotic for 2months straight, coupled with tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide. Got itchy and blister and burnt. Stop the treatment.  Going to the main campus.  Still got acne, it's not going anywhere.  Mak belanja new york. 10 times treatment worth a month salary in 2012. The acne got subsided but the maintenance cost is way too costly for a student. I got books and food to be bought too. Hahaha.  Acne journey makes me grateful for each day. If you may found my skin at it worst now, you are not meeting me while i was 18! It was that bad. Allah, syukur alhamdulillah. My skin is bad, but it had it...

Advice to a year older me

Don't be afraid to take a chance To choose a path To engrave your footprint Be composed.  Don't jump into your emotion You are cooler than you think Always be nice to people Never let others take advantage of you Explain If ignored, walk away You worth more than that Jangan amik kerja Tuhan Wake up early Never procrastinate  Especially your solah You may find an extra hours by doing so Time is relative It doesn't really exist Literally it doesn't feel the same  For every one and each of us Go ahead And fine your own time Never compare You're your own obstacles  Cherish moment with families They matter most That others Hopefully now,  you already find your other half.  If not, it just not the right time for you Never be scared Allah always with you.  I love me now, and my older me which is YOU! 

Mata jendela hati

Mata jendela hati Laluan destinasi perasaan Yang mungkin Rasa itu marah Gembira Suka Sayang Sedih mahupun kecewa Takut terbuka rasa Tundukkan matamu Takut terbuka suka Lihatlah pada kening Kenapa kening?  Bukan alis Mahupun kumis?  Kerana kening  Hampirnya mata Bila sedia tujulah matanya Moga jendelanya terbuka Tapi Tuhan kata tunduk itu lebih baik pilihannya. 


Tuhan kata Kamu bukan untuk aku Aku degil Aku tetap mahu kekal Atas dasar kata cuba Tapi sebenarnya cuba itu Tidak pernah wujud Pada yang namanya ikhtilat Kau cukup tahu Kau sudah tahu  Apa yang kau patut tahu Tapi kau rasa, Kau perlu usaha dan berjaya sekaligus Lalu segala yang kau tahu Kau letak tepi Kau pura-pura kau tak menahu Untuk merasa panasnya dosa tidak bertepi Tapi nah ALLAH jumpakan  Yang cukup kena Untuk mengenakan kau balik Pada ilmu yang sedikit kau tahu dulu Untuk kembali mengHAKIMI Diri yang dulu diperbodoh Dan dipermain setan Bukan kamu yang bodoh Yang jelek Yang buruk Dan yang jahat Tapi aku yang tak mengaku aku Mengaku aku ni kau Dan menyalahkan kau atas salahnya aku.  Astaghfirullah.. 

Takdak jawapan

Duhai hati  Mana nak lari Ibu bertanya Siapa dalam hati Duhai hati Mana nak sembunyi Rasa sayang disorok tepi Demi hati yang terlukai Duhai hati Mana nak pergi Serba serbi rasa tak henti  Mencari, tunggu atau kami mau lari Duhai ibu Jangan tanya lagi Cukup dulu Dulu dia pergi biasa pulangnya iri Kini, biar dia sendiri.  Biar yang kenal, akan menghampiri