Life with acne
Have been battling acne throughout my life. Acne starts to be a nightmare, right after my SPM. It starts to attack one side of the face - the right side. Then it starts to spread to the left while the right is recovering. All petua and method had been tried. Gone to the doctor while in matriculation, been diagnosed with vulgaris type of acne. Been given antibiotic for 2months straight, coupled with tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide. Got itchy and blister and burnt. Stop the treatment. Going to the main campus. Still got acne, it's not going anywhere. Mak belanja new york. 10 times treatment worth a month salary in 2012. The acne got subsided but the maintenance cost is way too costly for a student. I got books and food to be bought too. Hahaha. Acne journey makes me grateful for each day. If you may found my skin at it worst now, you are not meeting me while i was 18! It was that bad. Allah, syukur alhamdulillah. My skin is bad, but it had it...