Purpose of life

Gifted with cancer

Ali Banat. TRULLY a gifted man. Gifted with wealth. But not with health.

Even when he was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer, he still considered it as a gift from Allah. A gift, as he could be prepared to die by giving more.

No wealth (family, fame, assets) will accompany and help us when we gone for good except these three:
1. A righteous child's prayer (doa anak yang soleh)
2. Useful knowledge (ilmu yang bermanfaat)
3. Sadaqah jariah (sumbangan)

He initiated and fully commited to MATW (muslim around the world) association by giving support and help in construction of mosque,school and other PROJECTS in Togo, Africa.

Ali's message was crystal clear.
1. We live a short life
2. Never be burden by trivial things
3. Be a giving person at your own cost.
4. Never underestimate the impact you have on others while giving (time, energy, wealth). 
5. Strive for 'ikhlas' and hope for the best reward from Allah.

Allahu 'a'lam.


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