27 tahun dulu hidup bersulam liku dan pilu memikir hala dan tuju mana nak dituju, mana nak didulu kini. selesai sudah urusanmu di sini selesai sudah tanggungjawabmu di sini tiada lagi yang boleh merunsingkanmu di sini tiada lagi yang boleh didambakanmu di sini kerana kini urusanmu telah selesai biarlah yang ditinggalkan, kami uruskan. urusan kami belum selesai, selagi kami masih di sini. semoga kita bertemu lagi, my lovely sister.. SITI MARYAM MATORI. dan abangku MUHAMMAD SYUKRI MATORI. AL-FATIHAH. -1 APRIL 2012-
Ada rasa yg tak mau hilang Rasa takut gagal Rasa tak cukup Rasa tak terbaik Buat yang namanya budak. Ada pelbagai pilihan dia punya Tapi hujungnya pilihan dia ada pada situasi aku. Yang hidup sorang pun sudah cukup susah. Yang hidup sorangnya pun tak cukup betul. Yang hidupnya penuh luka lama Yang tak sempat sembuh malah bernanah semula. Pada situasi ini Bukan aku yang pelihara jaga dia Sememangnya aku cuma cuba hidup Hidup sebaik mungkin Hanya Allah, Tuhan pemilik segalanya Yang jaga,yang susun yang pulihara semuanya.
"Do you know, why people use their pinkies when they make promises?" "Why?" Once upon a time, there was a huge kingdom. and the princess was so beautiful. Because she was beautiful and wise,princes from around the world come to her to propose to her. Five handsome princes made it to the final pick. To see who's the best match for her, she gave them a test. She hid her right hand behind her back and unfolded only a finger. And, the princes had to guess which it was. That was a sign that she'd marry him. Soon, they got married and could'nt be any happier. But, the Crusade began and the prince had to go to war. He promised her that he'd come back alive, crossing his pinky with hers. Ten years had passed but he didn't come back. She didn't even know if he was dead or alive. and because she was still so beautiful after those years, Although so many men come to the palace, asking her to marry them... She believed that her husband would come back an...
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